Public Monuments and Sculpture in Stoke-on-Trent & Newcastle-under-Lyme
Public Monuments and Sculpture in Stoke-on-Trent & Newcastle-under-Lyme

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Coats of Arms, Market Sign and Decorative Capitals
at Church Street, Stoke

more photos of the market

On either wing of the building is a relief panel of the same coat of arms, a quartered shield with several charges.


although very weathered the arms can be seen to be those of the town of Stoke-upon-Trent
(see copy below)

Motto: "E terris dare Artem" - "To produce beauty from the earth"


The building frontage has several slim pilasters which act as divisions between shop fronts.
These are topped with ceramic capitals depicting a Green Man-type face amongst foliage.


more photos of the market

Photos: Feb 2006


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questions/comments/contributions? email: Steve Birks

22 February 2006