Ken Cubley's photos of Stoke-on-Trent

Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent
Photos of the area around Hanley Indoor Market

1898 map of the centre of Hanley - the Indoor Market building and associated shops are outlined in blue.
Town Road runs up the right hand side of the map from Market Square at the bottom.
The Inn shown near Empson Street was The Sea Lion.
Slack Field (recreation ground) at the top of the map was the location of the Port Vale football club ground and the car park shown in the photo at the bottom of this page.
The whole of this area is occupied by the Potteries Shopping Centre and car park.


Hanley Indoor Market - photo taken on a Sunday, from Market Square
Hanley Indoor Market - photo taken on a Sunday, from Market Square
The whole of the market area was demolished to make way for the Potteries Shopping Centre

closer view of Hanley Indoor Market, photo taken when the market was open
closer view of Hanley Indoor Market, photo taken when the market was open

closer view of Hanley Indoor Market, photo taken when the market was open
view from Town Road - Sherwins was a popular music store

The Sea Lion pub - looking down Town Road
The Sea Lion pub - looking down Town Road

The Sea Lion pub on the corner of Town Road and Empson Street
The Sea Lion pub on the corner of Town Road and Empson Street
The square tower of St. John's church (see map)  can be seen behind the buildings
on St. Johns Church

Bryant Street car park - one the location of Port Vale football club
in the background can be seen the winding gear and the spoil heaps of Hanley Deep Pit
this area is the multi-story car park for the Potteries Shopping Centre and the colliery area is
Central Forest Park
on Forest Park

photos © 2007 - Ken Cubley