Discovering Local History 



Housing in Stoke-on-Trent


Living Conditions for the working class


The photographs below show reconstructions of the inside rooms of typical working-class housing in the Potteries

Figure 1 shows the interior of a living room. Note its 'bare' apparent and the utilitarian nature of it's furniture


Reconstruction of a Living Room

Figure 1 Reconstruction of a Living Room 
(Potteries Museum and Art Gallery)


Figure 2 shows the interior of a wash room. Only the better off working class would have had separate wash rooms.


Reconstruction of a Wash Room

Figure 2 Reconstruction of a Wash Room 
(Potteries Museum and Art Gallery)


These pictures show two fairly typical working-class street scenes in the early years of the twentieth century. John Street was just a stone's throw from the centre of Hanley.


John Street, Hanley
John Street, Hanley





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