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Stoke-on-Trent Districts: Etruria


next: Etruria before Wedgwood
Denis O’Connor’s sculpture ‘Privilege’

Etruria, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire.

"Let us now praise famous men..."

Ecclesiasticus 44:1-15

 Etruria has been created, nurtured and grown by men of local, national and international fame, without whom the story would never have been complete.....

Josiah Wedgwood I (1730-1795)

In 1769 Wedgwood opened his new works on a rural site in between Hanley and Newcastle-under-Lyme, which he purchased because he knew that the Trent and Mersey canal would run past the site. He named the site Etruria.

The canal was opened in 1777. 

Thomas Wedgwood (1771-1805)

Thomas Wedgwood born in May 1771 in Etruria, Staffordshire. Wedgwood is credited with a major contribution to technology for being the first man to think of a method to copy visible images chemically to permanent mediums...the birth of photography as we know it today.


James Brindley (1716-1772)

"On Friday last I dined with Mr. Brindley, the Duke of Bridgewater's engineer, after which we had a meeting at the Leopard on the subject of a Navigation from Hull.... to Burslem" 

– Josiah Wedgwood,11th March 1765.

Granville Levison Gower (1773-1846)

Born at a time when the industrial revolution was in its infancy, he grew up in an atmosphere of great change and development in the iron industry. In 1815 he was elevated to the peerage and created an Earl.
That same year his son was born, named George, who was to take over the running of Shelton on his father's death in 1846.


Jessie Shirley (1848-1927)

In 1837 Jesse Shirley started to supply calcined bone ash to Josiah Wedgwood and Sons Limited. This enabled Jesse Shirley to prosper in Etruria, near to the renowned factory of Josiah Wedgwood.

next: Etruria before Wedgwood
Denis O’Connor’s sculpture ‘Privilege’