Purple Cross Service, Horses on the Battlefield, Pall Mall, Hanley



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World War I appeal - "Purple Cross Service, Horses on the Battlefield", Pall Mall, Hanley
World War I appeal - "Purple Cross Service, Horses on the Battlefield", Pall Mall, Hanley

photo: David Davies 

The gentleman wearing the bowler hat, standing by one of the horses is his grandfather John Davies


During World War I - Boy Scouts and Girl Guides of Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent collecting for the Purple Cross Service -  "a society for succouring Army horses on the battlefield".

The Purple Cross Society, an organisation which raised money for animal welfare, particularly for horses which were involved in their thousands on the battlefields - Lady Brenda Meredith served as President of the Purple Cross.


The same view in Pall Mall, Hanley - March 2010
The same view in Pall Mall, Hanley - March 2010

more on Pall Mall