One name research - Birks families in Stoke-on-Trent

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Also see Distribution of the surname Birks in England and Wales, 1891

Distribution of the surname Birks in the UK, 1881 and 1998

The maps below show the distribution of the surname BIRKS in 1881 (from the 1881 census) and 1998 (from the 1998 electoral register).
There were 1,982 occurrences of the name in 1881 and 2,981 occurrences in 1998. In both years the highest concentration of people with the surname BIRKS was in Stoke-on-Trent in the county of Staffordshire, England.


Distribution of surname  Birks - 1881 Distribution of surname  Birks - 1998

Frequency for BIRKS 1881 1998 Change
Frequency (occurrences of name) 1,982 2,886 +904
Rank Order 2,176 2,088 +88
Occurrences per million names 73 77 +4

Frequency 1881 = Occurrences of the name in Great Britain, 1881 Census
Frequency 1998 = Occurrences of the name in Great Britain, 1998 electoral register
Rank Order = position of name (where 1 is the most frequent) in 1881 and 1998


The surname maps presented here are reproduced with the kind permission of Professor Richard Webber of the 'Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis' (CASA). Similar data for 25,000 UK surnames can be obtained from the CASA web site at:


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questions/comments/contributions? email: Steve Birks

12 February 2006